Sunday, October 12, 2008

In the Homeland!...Scandinavia!

Currently I am in Copenhagen, Denmark. We got here this morning around 10am after a night train from Bruges, Belgium. Bruges was gorgeous. We walked around (sampled the beers...of course) and were in awe of the place. On the morning before we left, we laid in the sun in the town square for about 3 hours. It was really nice. Our hostel had a bar and restaurant and if you ate dinner in the restaurant, you got a 3 beer sampler for free. So, I had a delicious pizza and 3 beers for €10. Awesome. Then we hung out with a guy in our dorm and had a couple beers in the bar. Bruges is beautiful though...go there.

Our night train was alright. I'm not going to complain too much about it because it was only €4 for the night and we chose to sit in chairs rather than get couchettes. But the trains before were fun. On our 2nd train (from Brussells to Cologne, where we got the night train) we met some canadians and they shared a bottle of wine with us. Also, one the train employees said to me (in German) "Please move, Alabaster Lady." I was reaching up to get my bag and apparently he thought I was super pale. What else is new? Anyway, the night train would have been fine but there were 2 more people in our little room and they were drinking the whole time and taking up space. After they got off though we got some solid sleep. For some reason they were only on there from 1230 to 6am. Oh well.

Today we have walked all around Copenhagen and are planning on going to Stockholm tomorrow. I have an address of some family in Sweden but I don't have a phone number so that is probably out. We have a hostel though. We're going to stay there one night, go to Oslo the next morning and then get the night train out of Oslo back to Sweden before hopefully heading to Kassel, Germany and then getting to Berlin on the 17th. We are going to be in Berlin until the 22nd when we fly to Barcelona. We will be in Barcelona until the 26th when we head back to London before flying to NYC for one night of mayhem and heading back home. The trip is winding down. I'm pretty bummed about that, but I think Barcelona and Berlin are going to be a lot of fun.

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