Friday, October 24, 2008

Estoy en Espańa!

Ok, contrary to popular belief, we are not dead. We are in fact in Barcelona, Spain having a grand time. We flew here on the 22nd and nearly missed our flight. Whoever said you had to be over 2 hours early to international flights is lying because we were only about 20 minutes early. Haha. Oh well. We ran, but made it. We got to our Hostel in Barcelona right at check in time and took naps after getting some delicious falafel. We are only about a 10 minute walk from the beach so we walked there and looked at it. The water is gorgeous, but it was cloudy and cold and rainy so we didn't really stick around.

Yesterday we tried really hard to sight see but it was soooo rainy and we were really unprepared for it. I wore flip flops which proved to be challenging since the ground was very slippery. I have a nice neat red bruise on my foot to prove that it was slippery. We managed to go out a little bit though. We saw La Sagrada Familia and then got some souveniers. We then went back to the hostel for lunch and a nap. (Had to do the nap thing...its cultural) Later that evening we went on a pub crawl. It wasn't nearly as crazy as the others, but we were out from 930pm to 5am. Crazy long time.

This morning (afternoon) we saw the sun so we went out walking. We saw some of the sights via metro and then went shopping on La Rambla. Its a big shopping district. I managed to buy 3 pairs of pants today. One is comfy and will be for the flight home. And then I got a pair of jeans and a pair of cords for only 16 euro each...and they are SOOOO long. It's amazing. I couldn't pass them up. So now I don't know where they are going to go in my pack, but I will make it work because they're cute and new. We didn't go out tonight, just hung around the hostel talking to some people here and we are going to see the rest of the sights tomorrow. We may even go to the beach if its still sunny! THEN we are going to go see FC Barcelona play. I'm really excited for the game. It should be fun. The stadium is absolutely huge and seeing soccer in Spain should be unforgettable. Our flight is at 6:30 in the morning and so we have to catch a bus at 3am to get to the airport. Should be interesting since we don't really get to sleep that night. Hopefully we make it. Haha. Then it's off to London for 2 nights before heading back to the states. Sad...But exciting to be back on home turf!

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