Monday, August 25, 2008

Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts

Baby Cows
One of the barns with a garden
Dying Yarn...smells bad!
Trying on shoes from the 1800s
Cute Pig
Chickens in the barn perched on some farm equipment.

Today we went to Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. Its a village that is still stuck in the 1800s pretty much. You can go in all the buildings and see people doing what the people of the time would do and such. It was neat. The 1800s smelled awful though. That was my best memory of there. Haha. I like it though. We got to see yarn being dyed (smelly!), hats being made, tin pots made, a black smith, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, sheep (nothing that much different than menifee) and more. It just made me feel like I never learned anything in school because all of it was new to me! Oh well. We did get some tasty fudge though. On the way home we picked up some really good pizza from Mr. Pizza.

Also, today Nancy's Aunt booked us another timeshare. We are spending a week in the Netherlands! Yay! I'm pretty excited about that.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea there were so many bars in NY! I usually never made it past the first one! Thanks so much for the pics It really makes it so much fun seeing you at the places you are talking about. The Netherlands!?! Is this so amazing or what??? Hope you are having as much fun as it seems. Can't wait to see where you go next!

Anonymous said...

more timeshares! uncool. =p

Christina said...

The Netherlands!!! How lucky are you! Think Mylie and I would fit in your backpack? :)