Thursday, August 28, 2008


So I went to bed around midnight since we had to be up early to drive to DC early. Nancy woke me up around 1am to tell me that....

Our flights to and from Europe were cancelled because the airline went bankrupt. I didn't know what was going on and I felt sick to my stomach. The email simply said to apply to creditors to get refunds and they were sorry.

Sorry?? Our flights were CANCELLED!!! We didn't know what to do and after some talking with the credit card (nothing can be solved til the morning) and some searching online. We have now booked flights on British Airways to go to London. Problem is, we now need a way back from New York to California. PLus, we still need to get the money refunded from the other flights.

Let's just hope tomorrow goes better because this was not fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am waiting on pins and needles what is going to happen next? Tickets or no tickets? Flights or no flights? Can't wait till your next blog!!!!!
Why is the rock in a cage? Have they had trouble with it or just a precaution?