Saturday, August 23, 2008

Connecticut AND NYC

So we have arrived. Well, 2 days ago or so but you get the idea. We have been really busy the whole time but I shall start with connecticut. We left for our first flight at 8am on Wednesday and we flew out at 10:55 to Phoenix. The next flight turned out to take us to Nashville! We were so excited to go to Nashville and really excited when we got there. (Too bad it was too cloudy/dark to see any of it and we never left the plane and only saw the Tarmac...but whatever. Not the point) We then flew in to Hartford. By this time we were kind going nuts and hungry so it was nice that when we arrived at Nancy's aunt Nancy's we had grinders waiting for us. I am in love with grinders now. It IS similar to any sub sandwich and it may have been that I was starving but I ate the whole thing (even though it had lettuce on it).

On Thursday we went to Mystic, CT to go see the historic shipyard but it cost like $20 to go in so we looked from afar and then went shopping in a place that reminded me of seaport village. There was a Swedish store, but I'm waiting for the real thing. ;) It's really pretty out here but look A LOT like Washington on the way to Gail/Christina's...kinda odd. We did a lot of walking around and then picked up Aunt Nancy from work. Then we pretty muich rushed to pack and get to the 7pm train to NYC. It takes about 2 hours to get to the city by train. Not bad at all.

The first night we met Ryan in Grand Central Station...he works at a store there and then took the subway to George's Apartment to drop off all of our bags. We looked like hobos with the amount of small bags we were carrying. We then got dinner (tip: Mexican food in nyc is nothing like socal) and went to Times Square. We saw the M&M place and walked around till we went to someplace called Bourbon Street where Ryan had a friend and then we proceeded to barhop with him. He gets free drinks EVERYWHERE. It was fun. I think we went to The Blarney Stone (this bar had 17 year olds in it and the bartender knew but said he let ryan in when he was 18 so he was going to let them) and then we went to House of Brews and some other place which I have no idea what it was called and I don't think anyone ever told me. We went back to George's after that and woke up in the middle of the night because it was snowing in the apartment. OK, not really but he had his window AC on high and Nancy and I were shivering and sooo cold.

As one might guess we got a slow start the next morning. I'm going to chalk that up to the time difference. So we really were up at 9am Pacific. Ha. Showered and went to get pressed sandwiches. I liked them, Nancy didn't. We took the subway to Central Park and saw the "Imagine" thing. It was sooo pretty there and I felt like I was in about 15 different romantic comedies and I reminded Nancy about each one. I think she was annoyed but I knew that I was in Made of Honor, Enchanted, How to Lose a Guy, Maid in Manhattan, etc. After the park we proceeded to walk all over Manhattan. That was probably not the best idea because we had all day metro cards. Whatever. We saw Radio City Music Hall, then took the subway to The World Trade Center (It may be blashphemous to say but that was a waste of time. It was blocked off and essentially a hole in the ground. Oh well) We then walked by Battery Park to get to the Staten Island Ferry. (free statue of libery harbor cruise!!!) So, we saw the Statue of Liberty, the Brookly Bridge, the skyline AND Staten Island for free!! When we got off the ferry we were pretty much spent so we went back to the apartment to meet George for dinner. We went to Washington Square (where sally drops harry off) and then to a Peanut Butter Store!!! I spent $2 on a peanut butter cookie and if you're will you too can spend $8 for a PB&J. Riiiight. We got drinks across the street from there and George's GF, Alix met us. We ate at and italian place and then went to The Slaughtered Lamb for more drinks. That bar was intense. It was like a pirates strange but so cool. Our waitress was probably tweaking cos she kept yelling even though it was quiet in there. We went accross the street to a much more crowded and loud bar called "Down the Hatch." It was litterally down a hatch and I almost fell. Probably because I have bad luck with stairs. Oh well. We finished off at some other place called the Town Tavern and then went home.

This morning we got up and met Aunt Nancy in Rockefellar center and then got delicious chocolates. We saw St. Patrick's Cathedral (HUGE) and then went to 5th Avenue. I got to go into the American Girl Store! They have doll hairstylists there. Such a cool job. We walked around some more and then headed to the theatre to see "Avenue Q." The play was soooo funny. I loved it. We tried to get wicked tickets for later, but they were $301.75 a piece. It would have been almost a thousand dollars for all of us to go. Crazy. We got dinner in Times Square and then headed back to get our stuff and grab a train to Connecticut.

I don't know what we're doing tomorrow but we've only been here pretty much 3 days and we've done a ton already. It's going to be an action packed 2 months. I just wish everywhere had a subway. SO AMAZING. It's so convenient. Looking forward to tomorrow...whatever it brings. Also, sometimes I wish I weren't so attractive. Especially in those pictures with my beautiful smile. I'm so pretty it hurts sometimes.
Also, that lovely fella up top is named Mr.'ll be seeing a lot of him.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! You two have been very busy.
Sounds like your having a blast, seeing so many things (and several bars) LOL! I recognize Mr. Bacon but, who is the other gentlemen your planting one on? ;)

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bacon looks pretty awesome.

You did so many things...I'm tired just reading about it. I guess that means I'm old.

Christina said...

What a blast! I look forward to your posts and to seeing more of Mr. Bacon!!!