Thursday, September 11, 2008

Photos from London...Update: Dublin to Scotland

On the tube to London after our redeye...I was tired

Big Ben and houses of Parliament in London

Changing of the Guard or something in front of Buckingham Palace
Having a pint with Duncan in London

Our Hostel in Dublin. There were a ton of bed, but it was clean and cheap!
At The Temple Bar in Dublin

Certified Jameson taster. I have a certificate to prove it!

Outside of Dublin Castle...SUPER GREEN grass.

Some swans in a channel that we found while lost in Dublin...We made it back though.

Glasgow...on the way to get some dinner..

So there's a couple pictures from London. I'm in Glasgow, Scotland right now at Stevie's flat. We haven't really done anything today except get up really early to catch a bus, plane and then train to get here. Anyway...

The rest of London was fun. We had a traditional Roast dinner made by Duncan's Stepmom and we all ate together at the table. It was really nice. Good food and then we had apple crumble for dessert...mmmm. On our last day, we went to Buckingham palace and saw some sort of commotion, I'm going to assume it was the changing of the guard but Duncan didn't know either. We walked through the mall, saw Trafalgar Square, had a couple pints, then went to the tube to head back to his dad's place. We played a nice mix of games including but not limited to guitar hero and pass the pigs. We also played a drinking game around 3pm and then went to the pub. We had some really good curry for dinner and then had and early flight the next morning to dublin.

Dublin was nice. It was rainy and cold, but the city is beautiful and the grass is an unreal shade of green. I don't quite know how it gets so green. We stumbled upon a castle after checking into our hostel and then walked all around Temple Bar and ended up getting a couple pints at THE temple bar and listened to some awesome Irish music. Some Hungarian guy bought us half pints of Murphy's and then we ditched that place. The next day we walked around a lot, went to the Jameson Distillery and then went to another pub. Nancy and I are official Whiskey tasters. We volunteered to sample the whiskeys and give our opinions on Jameson, Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels. Then we got another drink. Nine Euros well spent. We watched the tail end of a soccer game in a pub and then headed to bed for our flight to Scotland this morning. We haven't done much here but nap and cook dinner. We are waiting for stevie to get back from work. He's got some good plans for us though so I'm looking forward to it.


Christina said...

Looks like you are both having a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are GREAT! Is it cold over there? You are in a jacket. Wish we were there too!