Monday, September 29, 2008

The Hills are alive...I guess..

So we are in Austria after another AMAZING trip to Switzerland. Seriously...I love Switzerland. We went canyoning for Nancy's birthday which is torture but oh so fun. You repel down cliffs, jump off of them into water, climb, slide (in my case, fall) and swim through essentially melted snow. It was so cold and so awesome. We had to gear up with a wetsuit, boots, 2 wetsuit jackets, lifevest, helmet, harness and all of them were still cold from the day before. It was so cold and so fun. It was also the last day of the season so it was probably colder than usual. The guys that take you are incredibly strong. One guy picked Nancy up with one had by pretty much a flick of the wrist. Then later when we saw him in the bar, he picked me up too. I am not a small person and he did it with one hand. Canyoning makes you strong apparently...I know I'm sore. Anyway, point of the story: Switzerland is my favorite country.

We got to Salzburg last night and got some food at our HUGE hostel. We even saw a guy that was at the same place as us in Rome. Kinda funny. This morning we are at the train station and found a semi cheap internet cafe and so we're just here til our train to Munich arrives. We should get to Munich around 10:30am or so and then hit up the tents at Oktoberfest...Hopefully we get in. You have to be seated in order to get served so we're going to do our best.

Anyway...I guess that's all for now.

1 comment:

watson3g said...

Wow! I just remembered that this was available. It is super Mallory! Nancy's Mome wants to print out the entire story and pictures, everything, and she likely will!

I think paragliding, canyoning, visiting all of the cities like you have must be thrilling! Beer tasting, certified Irish Whiskey tasters! That is the stuff dreams are made of!

Saltzberg has some of the best food in the WORLD! You guys are doing everything and that is wonderful!

Waiting to see what the latest adventure is going to be, is sitting on the edge of a chair type stuff. You have been well fed, wet, cold, humid, starved and who knows what will happen next?

I will bet some wierd story about getting lost in the Munich train station, missing the last train of the day, and sleeping in the train station.

Do you have any idea where you are going next? Are you playin it by ear? You guys are going to come home, right? Not going to look for a job there or anything, right?

We miss you guys and I am looking forward to getting you drinking and find out the "real" stories!

Your Mom said it best, "Be safe and really enjoy yourselves!

Nancy's Dad