Saturday, September 13, 2008

Glasgow by foot

Band playing in city centre, the one guy had crazy arms!

On the way to Glasgow University

Inside the University. It's beautiful and people still go to school there!

Look's like a scene from Harry Potter! I wanted Ron Weasley to magically appear---Didn't happen.

The view of Glasgow from the University. I believe that is an art museum...It was actually really clear! I don't think we would be able to see that much on another day.

So Yesterday was our second day in Glasgow, but we did nothing on the first day so it was our first day exploring. We started out he day heading to the city center (the picture on the last blog of glasgow). It is this big pedestrian area where there's a mall, shops, restaurants, etc. It was pretty neat. One of the "bargain" fashion stores with really cute clothes actually had a tall section! I *almost* bought some new jeans. They were £25 which is about $50 so they wouldn't have been too outrageous, but I stopped myself. Boy, do I miss all my clothes/shoes at home and shopping. One month without them and I'm kinda going nuts! After leaving one of the stores, I heard some drumming so I went to investigate. There was a Scottish Band playing in the streets. Drums, Bagpipes, Kilts...It was awesome. We stayed for a bit and watched them and then headed off to get a snack. After getting some cookies and diet coke (my now usual £1.20 snack), we tried to find Glasgow University. It was a bit of an uphill (beautiful) walk but we finally got there. The school is unreal. It looks like something straight out of Harry Potter and people still go to school there! We hung out there for awhile and sat in the sun. It was actually sunny and kinda of warm! The first day without rain, cold and wind since we got here! We walked to go look at museums but fond out they closed at 5pm so we went to the grocery store and bought some dinner and headed back to Stevie's flat. After awhile, we went to the pub for a couple drinks, came back, and waited for Stevie. I think today we are going to go to the museums and then I don't know. Eventually he's going to take us to the countryside where his parents live and some other things. Should be fun!


Anonymous said...

I'm loving all the updates! It looks beautiful. So, lets see your diet sounds like -- diet coke, cookies and pints (?) Oh well. Have fun.
Love you,
Mom :)

Anonymous said...

OMG the pictures are so beautiful! I am amazed at how clean everything looks and love the green. (getting tired of all the brown here!) Can't wait to see what the countyside looks like!

Trina said...

I'm glad you guys are having an awesome time! I love all the pics...but I demand more Bacon and Tofu.

I miss you so much it hurts sometimes (oh how I love Scrubs)

But seriously...I miss you...when do you come home? I can't take many more weekends living in my pajamas watching every movie that comes on HBO. I've seen "Live Free or Die Hard" like 8 times in the last week...