Monday, October 13, 2008

2 posts in one day!

I know, I know...this is really exciting for you all. Anyway, it gets dark really early here and so Nancy and I are saving the real sightseeing for tomorrow. Thus, you get 2 entries but this one is probably not going to be that interesting. Perhaps I shall divide it up into two parts.

Part one: Things I do now, that I didn't before
1. Run up stairs with more than 30lbs on my back and be out of breath for less than 5 minutes. This has been achieved by running for trains (that are sometimes not there to begin with) and trying to get on them in time.
2. Eat Breakfast. I love Breakfast. Before, I hated it. I would rarely eat it and if I did I wouldn't have much now I eat tons for breakfast because most of the time its free in the hostel and that means that it may or may not be the only thing I eat that day depending on the amount of trains we're on.
2a. Cereal WITH Milk. I know, more dry cereal for me. I'm all about cornflakes with milk right now. Delicious.
2b. Drink Orange Juice. For the longest time I wouldn't drink it, now I love with with my cereal and milk.
3. Order Drinks at the bar. Not that I didn't do this before, I just didn't like to. Now I know it means I get beer faster.
4. Eat Lettuce on Burgers and sandwiches. This started because I didn't know how to say 'no lettuce' in various languages but now I like it.
5. Put mustard on my Brats. I know mom, your mind is probably exploding right now. By the way I also now eat mushrooms, pineapple, and various other foods that i didn't before.

Ok so there's more than that most likely but I can't think right now so moving on to...

Part Two: Things I miss (people not included because that's a given)
Hair straightener, showering without shoes on, hair dryer, full size bed, korita potatoe chips, del taco, in n out, mashed potatoes, my shoes, my clothes, coats, my gloves (I lost them somewhere), cold solda, root beer, cheap prices, an income, my computer, staying in one spot, driving, new tv shows, movies that arent dubbed, reeses, cheap peanut butter, nail polish remover, pumice, bacon, pancakes r us, the doxies & reagan, not having a lockout time, not having to carry all my stuff on my back, being able to not have to guard my purse with passport at all times, dresses., cold medicine/antibiotics..this list could go on but I will stop it here.

Ok, yeah so I'm loving free internet right now. This hostel is awesome.


Anonymous said...

I was told you would come back to the states a different woman!! Sounds like they were right.
Love you,
Mom :)

Christina said...

Ok, but do you like scrambled eggs?

Anonymous said...

i miss my full size bed and im still in the US! i don't even have a real bed and I'm only in North Dakota ha.

<3 Jennn